Thursday, May 28, 2015

end of the year

The end of the school year is nearing and the art assignments are rolling in. Over the last few months I have been watching the students do wonderful things. Some of my favorite pieces I have seen a lot this year was the work they were doing with cardboard. At the beginning of March, I got to see a friend of mine and his TAB workshop as he was introducing the TAB philosophy to the participants. The center he chose to introduce was cardboard. I have the cardboard located in my construction center. I brought the info back to the students and then watched as they transformed some cardboard into incredible pieces of art. So here are some of my students' artwork:


architectural letters created with cardboard and packaging tape


castle collaborate work between 4 students


cookie oven created with cardboard and wrapped with tissue paper


show choir stage created with cardboard, popsicle sticks and felt


hunger games flames created with cardboard and tissue paper